There's no way to get around it, the Elder Scrolls Online MMORPG is an expensive game. I'm not talking about the Crown Crates, mounts, and upgrades (although thanks to gifting, you can buy those with gold, too).

Image Description: A sunny instance of the Princely Dawnlight Palace in Hew's Bane has been turned into a garden full of colourful pink and green trees. There are red drapes on the built-in pavilion, where there are also crafting tables.

Housing, outfitting new builds, buying mats, fast travelling six times in a row because you just want to turn the quest in and unlock the skill line – it all adds up. Here are the best ways to fatten your wallet and earn gold in ESO:

Buy the Craft Bag

This is an ESO-Plus perk, and basically essential to success in the game. It's a necessary evil. Once you can hoard every stash-able mat and alchemy reagent, you'll be able to complete more of the money-making content. Plus your bank space will be doubled. Which leads us to…

Image Description: The Craft Bag UI shows various alchemy mats, including Lorkhan's Tears. To the right, a woman in blue armour and a bear's skin helmet stands commandingly with her arms behind her back.

Do your Daily Crafting Writs

It's a pain, but you'll want to level as many characters as you can to Champion Points (CP), and do all the daily crafting writs you can stand. It's a guaranteed 4.6k gold per CP-level character, and if you pre-make your potions and food, it's not so bad.


Find a public dungeon or above-ground zone area where mobs spawn quickly, then make a circuit, killing everything in your path. The public dungeon money grinding method works best alone, but can yield around 20-30k per hour if done at the right (SLOW) pace, and if you have the merchant assistant. Or you can choose to bank and break down the gear for mats.

Either way, it's decent gold. Just don't be a jerk about it for those who want to complete content.

Join a Trading Guild

Image Description: A small figure with glowing blue orbs casting a blue pool of light on the ground shops at a guild trader's tent in Vvardenfell. There's water in the background, and towering mushrooms.

Having a guild with a trader in ESO may sound like common sense, but if you have time to dedicate just once or twice a week to scouring some traders, you can make a decent profit flipping items. Simply listing 30 items in your own trader is also a nice, passive ESO income.

Join a PvE Guild and Run Trials and Dungeons

If you join a trials team who works their way up to running, say, Veteran-level Aetherial Archive (vAA) in 30 minutes or less, you get a decent amount of Plunder from the rewards, which can be banked for later.

And there's the gear – once you have what you need for your builds, the rest can be broken down into valuable mats. Some particularly experienced guilds even sell "runs" for skins, gear, and achievements (but this really isn't viable for most players).

Image Description: Ebonheart Defenders guild complete a vAA run and stands over the dead boss. Text in the middle declares the score and time.

Farm Mats, Runeboxes, and Chests

I don't mean make bots. Nobody likes it when you can't complete the quest because the bots swarm in on the single wolf. But if you find an abandoned instance of a zone, there can be plenty of mats and chests to pick up (know your valuable sets). And there's always furnishing plans and urns, or the Runebox pieces that drop in public dungeons.

Do your Crafting Surveys

I mentioned doing your daily crafting writs on CP-level characters. But there's a trick. Don't level ALL of them to level 50 crafting (or if you do, don't put skill points in). Instead, leave a couple at base level, because these characters are more likely to yield crafting surveys in the rewards. Collect as many of surveys as you can stand (they do stack), then use the ESO app to quickly gather stacks of raw mats.

Become a Master Crafter

It's not steady income, but taking the time to build a solid repertoire of motifs and furnishing plans (as well as completing your crafting research) can be a way to make quick tips. In some guilds, you can list your skills for hire in your guild note.

Sell Skyreach Runs

If you're sufficiently good at staying alive, you can learn to gather the enemies in the Skyreach Catacombs dungeon in three pulls, then smote them down. I highly recommend the Skyreach Run Sorc Build for this. It's not a lot, but on NA servers, a 3k gold run takes a few minutes, which isn't a bad profit.

Pick Pockets

There are several zones where you can pick nobles' pockets for a huge return. Even if you're just pickpocketing "treasure," and I use that term loosely, a thief with maxed out Legerdemain can turn 20k in an hour or two. You might get lucky and steal a gold throne, or rare item, too, for your trader/library.

Image Description: The skill UI shows maxed Legerdemain skill, with all passives taken. To the right, a female Kahjiit in purple and gold armour stands in front of a stable.

PvP and Sewers.

This isn't a quick way to make gold, but it is a reliable one, especially for those who are less focussed in PvE. PvP has bounty quests that yield Gladiator's Tokens on turn in. Assemble 50 of them to get an arena gladiator's costume box, which can be sold for a solid price.

Or try the Imperial Sewers. You farm the bosses there and in Imperial City for Tel Var, then trade the Tel Var for waxed apothecary satchels, whose contents are readily sellable. I wouldn't go alone if you're not experienced, however, as that is a fast way to lose what you're carrying. (See how to farm Tel Var and not lose everything.)

Image Description: A large scale battle wages between red and blue factions. The screen is bright with visual effects, including large yellow enemy AOEs. The enemy is slowly being drive back into the trees.

Furthermore, you can use AP to buy zone boxes from the Regional Gear Vendor at the gate. Opening them, you run a small chance of getting something like a Plague Doctor's Lightning Staff, or body pieces of a popular gear set, which can be listed on your trader.

Use your Master Crafter to Complete Master Crafting Writs

Finally, Master Crafting Writs in ESO are dropped as a reward for completing crafting dailies on max-level crafters, or purchased at guild traders (I wouldn't pay more than 500g per voucher, if you're on the NA Xbox server). You can turn in the earned reward vouchers for various shiny things, including full motif books, purple and gold recipes, and more.

Image Description: Rolis Hlaalu outside of Mournhold has document pouches for sale (blue and purple). To the right of the Buy UI, a long-haired Dark Elf man in a brown tunic stands with his arms folded in front of him.

Make Use of Multi-Crafting

With the addition of multi-crafting to ESO, players can now liquidate the contents of their craft bags.

To do this, simply use a crafter with maxed Provisioning and passives, and create large batches of anything that you don't use regularly – specifically, green 5 gold recipes. These otherwise worthless provisioning mats can be vendored at any in-game merchant.

None of these gold-making methods are particularly quick in ESO, but it's a game that takes a fair amount of time to amass your fortune and skill. I didn't mention selling vamp/werewolf bites because – while you can technically sell them – a lot of people give them out free now, especially if you've joined a guild or two.

Looking for a guild? Cottages and Courtyards is a friendly, established PvE North America Xbox guild with particularly focus on housing. There are plenty of active players, a FREE trader, regular PvE events, stocked guild house, and more!

What are you favourite methods of making gold?